I call myself a Truman Democrat, perhasps even a liberal. I have had to ask myself why from time to time however and a careful analysis has left me with the following beliefs. Call me what you wish however.
Republicans, and conservatives in general, want the best for people but it seems to me that they have the mistaken belief that men are honorable by nature and if left to their own devices will treat the poor and down trodden with affection and warmth. That they will take care of their fellow man by giving the poor and disadvantaged assistance to compete with the rest of us is not acurate as a group. Men I know are very honorable but mankind , if left on its own without a check is greed y and mean. Religion helps tame the great beast but even religion can run amuck without checks from the congregation.
I think that some sort of affirmative action needs to be in place to help (and I haven’t a clue how it should be structured) black, Hispanic, other people of color and the down drodden to enjoy the American dream. It is not enough to remove the 200 year chain of prejudice and bigotry and tell them they now can compete. They have to be helped to the starting line.
Abortion should not be used as just another means of birth control but there may be a time and a place where it unfortunately comes about. But why don’t we take all the effort that people use chaining themselves to the clinic doors and redirect it towards changing adoption laws.
Medical care needs to be affordable and available to all. We should be able to buy prescription drugs for the same price that Canadians and Mexicans do.
Lawyers are not the bad guys, the media usually tells the truth, and most of us only hear what our bias wants us to hear. Most of us don’t know anything for sure and chose what we believe because we like a certain book or person who happened to tell us something that sounded pretty good.
However I do believe there are bad guys in the world and some one has to be the world policeman and I would just as soon it was us. After we finish with Iraq , Iran , and Afghanistan , lets just move down the list , all the soldiers are volunteers any way. I believe in a mandatory two year service to our country , be it military , peace corps, Ameri-corps, or a church volunteer.
Let us stop arguing about prayer in school and let those who want to do. Let's provide vouchers so parents can send their kids to any school they want and stop blaming teachers because the kids are stupid and undisciplined.
Let's stop bitching about our elected representatives and get active. I know first hand that most elected officials will listen to you if you take the time to make a reasonable and well thought out presentation about how you feel.
So I am a truman Democrat or whatever that means. Not that any of you care but that has never stopped me from lending some dignity to what would other wise be a vulgar brawl.