Log 9, Alaska
I went out tonight and walked around hoping to see the northern lights. I didn’t so I then hoped I would see some Hooper Bay night life. All I could see was a bunch of 4 wheelers running all over town, going God knows where. Which brings something up, I did run into one of my students out in the dark, he said he was just walking around until he ran into his friends. It is starting to get cold now , don’t know exactly what the temp is, but it is cold..
No entry for a long time. Thanksgiving was spent at the Principal’s house. Paula left for Dixon – I’ll leave on the 21. she said she spent 26 hours in travel time including airport waiting areas.
At a pot luck for the students an old Eskimo man asked me if he could borrow Paula. I wasn’t quick enough to ask him how many seal skins he had to trade.
Things are quiet. I did manage to piss off the post mistress, but am still getting mail.
The kids are very restless in the afternoon. The morning class is good though.
Paula and I thought we would go to the Amboy Church Xmas eve – that ought to be interesting if my second wife is there also. I need to some how make contact with Darren while there.
Got stopped in the hall on the way to lunch. Marta was furious. She got a bad evaluation. I have never seen her teach but she can’t be a bad teacher. In fact I have never heard anything but praise about her skills. The administration does not like her because she is out spoken. She is also the union rep. She says she is going to appeal the evaluation than sue the principal personally. Pot luck ought to be fun tonight.