When I confronted Big Bear about the strange and mysterious map given to me by Uncle Frank he just smiled and said, “I wondered when you would ask.”
He went on to give me an explanation that even now I don’t fully comprehend.
“Years ago, so long ago that no one knows when, a Raven, and an Eagle decided that Man never new exactly where he was going when he would leave home to search for food. Since Man did not look upon them as food they decided to help him find what he needed. They visited Man one day and offered to take him to where ever he wanted to go to find food. They realized however Man, although he knew what he wanted, did not know how to get there. So the Eagle and the Raven made him a map out of Otter skin. They magically placed paths and trails on the map to a constant food supply, the caribou. It was even mor magical that the map would change when different migration paths of herds changed. The paths and trails continued to change as need and Man never went hungry again. Soon however although full and content with food, Man became one dimensional. He only thought of food and began not to be Man at all. As one of your spiritual leaders once said, Man does not live by bread alone, it the case up here - caribou. So they added to the map trails and paths that lead him to those things that enriched his life. Not only was he now able fill his stomach but he also filled his mind with sites, sights, and sounds that he might have normally missed. When you came here you told me one evening that you wanted the total experience. If it were not for the map would you have come across some of the things that the map has led you? The map also works as a magnet to some extent. It brings people to you that you might not have normally met.”
“Well that is all well and good,” I responded, “But you are expecting me to believe in magic. You have not explained how the map works or how it got to me.”
“It works because it works. It is what it is. Are there not things you believe in that you cannot explain but know them to be the truth? That map was given to you because you came here. You needed it. Uncle Frank was just the vessel that delivered it to you. You were a lost person and because of the map you are now found. Just accept and move on. Keep in mind that we all are the sum totals of our unique experiences. They make us what and who we are.”
Like I said I am not sure what I understand or don’t understand about Big Bears explanation. I am sure he understands it but I am not sure I ever will but then if I did perhaps the mystery would be lost and my participation cancelled. If you understood the magician’s tricks, no matter how much you beg to be provided the ‘how did you’s’ would you really enjoy it as much. Probably not.
It is time for me to plan my next trip to visit my charges, those who depend on me for their education. I certainly depend on them.