Our Emerald Isle – A Little Vote
Two years ago an astounding thing happened in Devere, a
Leprechaun was elected to the village council.
This had never happened before.
The Leprechaun community is not large nor were active in Devere politics
before that and never seemed to agree on anything amongst themselves as a group
anyway. The Catholic and Protestant majority
would always court the “Little” vote as it was referred to and now and then
throw a shamrock their way but all in all the “Little” vote was not considered
important let alone a threat.
From out of the green however a leader arose from the
Leprechaun community that was able to pull all the different “little” factions
together. He was a little taller, a
little less green and more educated than most Leprechaun’s. His rhetoric was superb, his ability to
speak about how things should be, and the wholesomeness and kindness he
projected appealed to all those historically ignored and appealed to more than
just a few of the Catholics and Protestants who were normally at odds with each
other anyway.
It was the first time a Leprechaun had run for office as a
serious candidate and the Leprechauns along with the dwarf community voted in a
block. That along with the
disenfranchised Catholics and Protestants John Littleman was elected councilperson of
District Two. District Two just so
happens to be the district Dever’s Pub is located and Dever’s has the added
distinction of being the polling place for the village. It is a great honor and I respect the fact
that the sale of alcohol is not allowed until one has casts his or her vote.
After John Littleman took office it seems like he could do
nothing right and was unsuccessful or least that is what the Catholics and
Protestants that had not defected to John’s side contended. They had a point because every time he would
introduce a village ordinance it would either be shelved or voted down. The promises he had made he was unable to fulfill
and he took much abuse from those who were against his policies. Most of those who were opposed to what he
espoused did so because they considered his positions radical but those who
were most opposed to him, were so because he was a Leprechaun. They let those who opposed John Littleman,
based on his governmental philosophy, take the lead in the vocal opposition while
the anti Leprechaun forces egged the others on and financed the hate campaign
hidden from critical analysis.
John Littleman was a gentleman though and took the attacks
and hidden slander in stride and just chalked it all up to politics. Because of his success at least to being
elected some other Leprechauns and one Dwarf decided to run for the council
seats coming up for election this November.
The village council has realized that if the Leprechauns,
Dwarfs, and disgruntled Protestants and Catholics voted as a group again the village
“will be run by a bunch of midgets,” I have heard it said more than once in
To counter this threat the village council passed an ordinance
that stated that milk crates would no longer be provided by the village
election commission for those who happened to be too short to reach the counter
of the polling booth. The ordinance went
on the say however that any voter could bring their own device that would boost
them vertically but only after a safety inspection certificate was provided to
the election commissionaires certifying that the device used was not a hazard.
A protest was immediately made by John Littleman to the
village council. He demanded to know why
after all these years such an ordinance was necessary. In unison the other members of the council
said nothing.
I don’t know if not having milk crates provided by village
expense immediately made available for those wanting to cast a vote will hinder
the Leprechaun and Dwarf turn out or not.
They are allowed to bring their own the ordinance says and the people
who support the measure insist it is because of the liability issue and besides
“what is the big deal anyway, if one is too lazy to get their own milk crate they
shouldn’t vote.”
In our weekly Dever’s Pub business meeting the matter was
discussed and we thought that perhaps we could rent milk crates at the font
door when people came into vote if one was needed. Then when they finished voting they could redeem
the milk crate at the bar and get a “free” drink. Bev suggested that if people turned in a milk
crate that we had not rented we would charge half of what we normally would and
thus create a surplus of milk crates for the next election to be rented at a
reduced price because of the decrease in capital expenditures. How does she come up with these ideas? Anyway I have not played politics for a long
time and only getting involved now reluctantly, but the combination of doing
ones civic duty and making a dollar or two is irresistible.