Road Trip, Part 2
Day two of our journey began with a visit to San Xavier del Bac, an old Spanish mission from the 1600s-1700s. This is where I first discovered the whole "dry heat" thing, as I drank about six cups of coffee before we left and was parched the whole time. I almost passed out climbing a big hill to get a good view. There was a cross at the top of the hill where Connor and I rested and looked around. The mission itself was in the full throws of a Catholic mass - we'd arrived on Sunday morning. On the way out of mass, Native Americans were rubbing some kind of reliquary and putting pictures of loved ones on it; it was almost pagan, but you could tell the people there had very strong spiritual feelings about what they were doing. Here's some shots of the place, which is truly beautiful. I wish I had more pictures of the interior - it was excruciatingly designed in Baroque detail. All I got that wasn't blurry was one picture of an angel, who I decided would stand in for Darius (Gonen's World folks know what I'm talkin' 'bout). Here are some pics:

Leaving the mission, my dad drove us to a scenic park so we could get our first good glimpse of panoramic scenery. We just hung out for a while and enjoyed the view. This was always my favorite thing to do on this vacation - just sit and look at the landscape.

That afternoon, we had a traditional Italian meal at my dad's girlfriend's mom's house. The meatballs were excellent but I had already filled up on pasta (they eat the pasta first, then the meatballs) and could only eat one. Then it was two rounds of desert...whew! I was slightly embarrassed that I couldn't eat everything that was set before me. We visited with Grandma Jan for a while (my dad's mom) and then rounded out the day by going to see Captain America. I even got a few hours in at the pool. All in all, a good day two. We slept like logs that night.

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