I usually don't go out on Monday but given last weeks trial I was behind. So I hit the road early Monday morning and just as early Tuesday and made my rounds.
Eddie Joe and the Twins had done their lessons well and eagerly awaited another assignment. They were exceptionally excited about the Thanksgiving feast coming up and the Twins gave me explicit directions via an animal skin map they said was prepared by Uncle Frank. Sally Deer was just as withdrawn and gaity not present at all when I mentioned the up coming Thanksgivng feast and was non commital as to if she was attending. The homework she provided was excellent and she accepted the next assignmet with about as much joy as coming across a bear in the woods just waking from a long winter nap. Jimmy Green of course had not finished his work but promised he would have it next week and give it to me at the feast. His mother took me to the side and asked me if she could do the lessons also as long as she did not give Jimmy the answeres. I told her that perhaps I could find some school work that might be more age appropriate. Jimmy did show me a rope he had made from a caribou skin which seemed well made, but then how would I know.
The only interesting thing to happen on the trail back is that I ran into Big Bear Sam. He asked me if I wanted to go to a saloon this Friday night and play some pool. I told him I did not know they had a saloon anywhere close and he said close was relative and that he would pick me up around noon Friday. I asked him if Bev could come and he said sure if she wouldn't mind dancing with gold prospectors. She might be the only lady there he said.
I acted a little surpised that Big Bear would be going to a saloon given the alcohol Indian thing. He said that it was true that alcohol was a problem with many Indians and Eskimos but not all. In fact he said he had a theory about the whole thing. He had written a paper while in college and would let me read it some day. Anyway he said not many Native Americans frequented the Malamute Saloon.
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