Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Deutschland Diary - 4

Thursday, September 13, 1984

We woke at 0230 and sat around after loading our 5T tuck and left at 0530.  We traveled for about an hour and stopped for 20 minutes where we were the German army served us Bruska (hard roles) and coffee.

We then traveled SE for two more hours, rested for 2 hours and were served more Bruska and hot Austrian tea along with some kind of meat. 

We continued SE and at 1430 we pulled into our new Tactical Assembly Area near a town called Bouck.  We are setting up now.  Things are still confusing.

Friday the 14th

Last evening a lot of the neighborhood kids came by and bummed food from us out of our extra MRE’s.  One little girl had on a University of Missouri sweat shirt.  A boy had on a pair of tennis shoes which had Elvis written on the side of each shoe.  They understood a little English.  I kept thinking about you kids, how kids everywhere are just the same.

Our camp site was next to the local soccer field.  I think it is called a Sportplats.  The town is off limits but Thomas, Jerry, and I walked there anyway.  It is just an old rural town.  The church we found out was over 800 years old.

My first German meal was eaten at the soccer fields guesthouse.  I had bratwurst, French fries, and a coke.  That is all they had.

We found out that our tour is approved for next weekend.  At least I will get to call and buy you all something.  Perhaps take some pictures.

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