Thursday, March 24, 2011

Deutschland Diary 7, continued

I wish you all could have gone on the walk with me.  I wont go into a lot of detail about the town, but there is a book around somewhere that describes it pretty well and of course there is always the encyclopedia.  I did see a church that was built around 1300.  Many shops, guesthouses, meat markets, and cafes.

I spent most of the morning alone.  About noon I ran into Wakeman and Thomas and we had lunch together.  We had pizza and jaggershcnetzel (pork bread and smothered with a brown gravy and mushrooms.  The pizza had an egg sunny side up right in the middle and each slice had a different solo ingredient.

Later Wakeman and I ate in a cafe and had some sort of coffee with whip cream and an alcohol of some sort.  We also ate something that looked like funnel cakes but rolled into a ball - it did not taste as good however - also and apple sort of pastry followed by a cherry cheese cake.  I know it sounds like a lot. 

...Two things I want to comment on now.  You have undoubtedly put the Christmas ornaments on the tree year after year, the ones I bought in Germany.  I bought those at a Christmas Store.  It is a huge place that sells nothing but Christmas stuff.  It is a very impressive place.  Since Christmas has always bee special to your mother and I and of course by all of you - I thought it only appropriate that I bring back ornaments to a go along with the ones we have gathered over the years.

The other thing:  When you are in a foreign country you have a tendency to ask people "do you speak English?"  Most must have some knowledge because they almost invariably ask you to speak slower.

I was standing in front of a 1300 year old Church when this guy came up to me and asked me loudly if I spoke English.  I looked at him and said "Ya, speak slower please." He started speaking slower and louder and asked me "WHERE IS THE CHRISTMAS STORE?."  After he completed the word store, I looked at him in a puzzled manner, rubbed my chin, and then in a quick Midwestern accent told him.  We both laughed about the incident.


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