Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letters From the Last Frontier - Alaska, 1

April 2003

Hi Brother and Sister:

It is 10:30 Wednesday night, a little early to write my weekly up-date about the fun and adventures in the frozen north  but nothing else to do.

 I can read a newspaper while sitting outside.  Why Alaska went to day light savings I have no idea.  It does not get dark until around 11 and that wont be the case in a couple of weeks and this summer it really will be the Land of the Midnight Sun.

I have been trying to figure out when I will be coming through Tulsa and Chicago and will let you know later.

I walked down to the beach after school today but it ended up not being a good idea.  Walking in the snow for two miles out and back and along the beach sort of wore me out.  When I got to the beach I thought so what, I mean how much snow, ice and sea can one see without it becoming sort of meaningless.  However I kept telling myself that not everyone goes to Alaska and I wanted the total experience.  So walking along the beach along the Bering Sea 4000 miles away from home is sort of unique. I felt a little isolated, I could have dropped dead out there and my body would not be found until the middle of  the summer if a wind storm came up. 

The one thing  I found very strange though was the silence.  There was no noise.  When was the last time you experienced no noise, nothing, nothing at all?  It was really an odd feeling.  I kept straining my ears to hear something but there was nothing.  It reminded me of part of a poem, "There wasn't a breath in that land of death..."   At least it was comforting to realize that I wasn't the first person to experience that, my mind must still be intact.

Love  Snapper

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